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Custom Blend Soul Readings

These in-depth readings are co-created with Spirit by An-Ra-Nae and are an interpretation of the oils within a custom blend and how they support the intentions requested.

Included in the reading are the numerological aspects and the corresponding Tarot significance of each major oil in the formula—they are in essence, a soul reading for the client from the perspective of the oils.

An-Ra-Nae’s Comments about the Soul Readings

“To me, the custom blends are truly exquisite masterpieces
created and birthed by Spirit
and I consider myself to be the midwife for their birth.


And as a witness to the process,
I am always amazed at the complex weaving
of the order of the oils,
the number of drops,
and the additional blends that come into a new blend.


Each aspect of the formula has its own significance
that even I don’t understand until I write the story.”

Soul Reading Testimonial

“Thank you for the beautiful reading that accompanied the indescribably unique custom blend that you made for me. The words touched my core, and the oil has quickly and effortlessly followed. Thank you for being yet another sign post on this journey.”
K. Short

“Everything I asked for [in the blend] and everything you said in the reading has come true!”
D. Moran

Isis' Custom Blend Includes a written in-depth soul reading as given through the oils, including the numerological and Tarot significance of each of the oils in your blend.

15 ml - $195.00
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