Sacred Oils Blended
in the Ancient Egyptian Tradition
Throughout the ages essential oils have been highly prized and revered for their aroma and for their use in healing, transmutation, tantra and ritual.
100% therapeutic grade essential oils still have their molecules intact and are therefore still “alive.” This means that they interact with each person’s own energy field in a way that is unique to them. They are truly inter-active, alchemical and transmutative—they have intelligence, and they always assist you in ways that support your highest good, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The Hathor Influence
Our sacred oil blends are Phyto-Mystically blended, sound activated, and highly influenced by the Goddess Isis and beings known as the Hathors.
While often considered a single Goddess, the Hathors are actually an Ascended civilization that were very present (in higher dimensions) during the time of Ancient Egypt. They were instrumental in the bringing of that culture to its height.
Their forte is vibrational healing through sound, color, aromatherapy and love. They are once again working with those in the physical dimension who can receive their teachings to assist us in manifesting a new age of peace and enlightenment.
Phyto-Mystically Blended™
Phyto-Mystically™ blended refers to our mystical process of intuitively formulating our alchemical blends while in direct communion with Spirit and the Angel Devas of the oils.